Why study Christian History?
Why study Christian History?
1. We study Christian history to find our place in the story of Christ’s church
a. The church is part of God’s grand plan of redemption of His people
b. The story of the church gives the people of God as sense of identity
c. Heb 11-12: Historical context of the church:
2. We study Christian history to gain wisdom from those who have gone before us
a. C. S. Lewis, Introduction to Athanasius, On the Incarnation
b. Presentism: to ignore the intelligence of the past, common assumption: apostles good, early church is okay, others heretics
c. Matt 13:24-30: Parable of the Wheat and Tares reflects the complex nature of the church
d. Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 1.1
3. We study Christian history because theology and ministry is always done in community
a. Theology is best done in community (Acts 15)
b. Christian community is international, local, and historical (Rev 7:9)
c. We do not read Scripture or do theology without the past
d. We do not do ministry with being influenced by those who have gone before us
e. Gonzalez, Story of Christianity, Intro